Massage Therapist

Incorporation For Massage Therapists


There’s more to running a successful massage therapy business than being skilled in bodywork. Massage therapists can ensure the health and longevity of their business by incorporating.

The Benefits of Incorporation For Massage Therapists

Incorporating your British Columbia massage therapy business can give you access to considerable tax savings. Incorporating also protects you from personal liability and lends legitimacy to your massage business, giving it a professional appearance that instills confidence in potential clients.


  • Unincorporated massage therapists may be paying excessive personal tax and exposing themselves to unnecessary liability.

  • First, you’ll need to decide on a business name and then apply for consent to use it from the College of Massage Therapists of British Columbia (CMTBC). The business name should include a descriptive element such as “massage therapy” or “massage therapist.” After securing name consent, you can move forward with the incorporation process, which can be done online or with the help of a lawyer. You’ll then need to register your new corporation with the Corporate Registry. Finally, to legally do business under your new corporation you’ll need to apply to the CMTBC for a health profession corporation permit, which must be renewed yearly.

  • Incorporating a company and obtaining approval from the CMTBC can be accomplished within 5 business days.

Ready to Incorporate Your Massage Therapy Business?

When it’s time to incorporate your British Columbia massage therapy business, Parr Business Law can help you navigate the incorporation process with confidence and clarity. Our lawyers have the specialized knowledge to provide you with reliable and candid legal advice so you can create the professional image your business needs to thrive. Schedule a consultation call with us today to learn more about incorporating as a massage therapist.

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