Terms of Legal Service
These Terms of Legal Service govern your access to our legal services at Steve Parr Law Corporation ("Parr Business Law" or the "Firm"). These legal services will be provided on the terms and conditions set out in this letter (the "Agreement").
By clicking ‘I represent, warrant, and agree’ when submitting a client intake form, accepting the terms of this Agreement by email, affixing your signature to this Agreement, or otherwise indicating your acceptance of this Agreement, you are bound by the terms of this Agreement. You will be deemed to have accepted this Agreement if you direct us to provide you legal services after receipt of this Agreement.
If you direct us to act on behalf of any of your affiliates, expressly or impliedly, you represent and warrant to us that you have the authority to bind such affiliate to these terms with respect to the matters you direct us to undertake for such person. If part of our initial scope of work involves incorporating or forming an entity, such entity will be deemed to agree to be bound by this Agreement upon formation.
Description of Services and Fees
The purpose of this letter is to summarize and confirm the terms of your engagement of the Firm. You have engaged us to provide the services described in the email where you found this link (the “Services”). If we have agreed to a fixed rate for our services then that rate will apply. Otherwise, our hourly fees will apply which are as follows:
Steve Parr, Lawyer - $475
Ty Dergousoff, Lawyer - $400
Grace Yue, Corporate Paralegal - $235
Shelly Law, Estates Paralegal - $235
GST/PST is applicable to all hourly fees. Disbursements may also appear on your invoice (also known as ‘out of pocket expenses that the Firm pays on your behalf and need to be reimbursed’, such as filing fees, courier and postage charges, etc.).
Limitation of Scope
The Firm does not provide tax or insurance advice. You should consult with a qualified tax advisor. We can make referrals upon request.
Client Identification and Verification
We confirm our agreement to engage Parr Business Law to provide the services on the terms set out in this letter. We also confirm the accuracy of the following information which Parr Business Law is required to keep on file.
Control of File
So long as the Firm complies with this Agreement, the Client acknowledges that the Firm may complete the Agreement in such manner as the Firm sees fit without interference or control by the Client. This includes:
Determining what documents and items the Firm will require, and other items it needs to review in order to effectively complete the matter. This includes contracts, minute books, e-mails, letters, computer data, videos and any other item the Firm deems relevant to the engagement;
Monitoring changes in the law and changes in the circumstances. This also includes determining, in the Firm’s professional judgment, if those changes affect the Agreement and should be communicated to the Client;
The frequency and method (such as by telephone or e-mail) of communications with the Client on the status of the engagement. Additionally, the Client consents to the use of e-mail and electronic communication throughout the Agreement with full understanding that electronic communication is inherently insecure. The Clients will notify the Firm in writing if they do not wish to communicate electronically;
Internally delegating any aspect of the matter to paralegals, secretaries, assistants or other lawyers, including lawyers contracted by the Firm; and,
Determining how much time will be required to complete the matter for the purpose of calculating the applicable amount of billable.
Fees and Responsibility for Payment
You may order the Firm to stop working at any point.
The Firm shall keep records of all time spent on your file and shall render accounts accordingly. Our hourly fee rates may be revised annually, in which case you will be charged our current rates regardless of whether you are notified in advance of any increases.
In addition to our fees for legal services, our accounts will include disbursements incurred by the Firm on your behalf in connection with the provision of legal services, including government filing fees, search charges, agents’ fees, courier charges, and all other reasonable out of pocket expenses.
If an unusual disbursement or expense arises involving substantial cost, we will consult with you before incurring that cost. In situations involving sizeable disbursements, we may ask you to pay them directly or to advance funds to cover them.
Accounts will be rendered periodically as necessary or upon your request, advising in summary form of the nature of the services that have been performed and the disbursements posted to your file.
All accounts are due and payable on receipt.
If an account is not paid within 30 days, we shall be entitled to charge interest on all overdue accounts at the rate of 18% per annum (calculated at 1.5% per month) from the date our account was issued. We reserve the right to suspend work for you in the event our accounts are not paid currently. If our services are suspended, you will be responsible for all fees and disbursements to the date that notice is given.
If for any reason prompt payment is not possible, we ask that you discuss the matter with us in advance so that appropriate payment terms may be arranged.
Payment Methods
Please note that we do not accept any funds in cash.
Accounts may be paid via credit card, Interac e-transfer, cheque or wire. Owing to transaction fees, we prefer e-transfer, cheque or wire.
E-transfers for retainer (trust request) payments can be made to retainers@parrbusinesslaw.com
E-transfers for invoices for services rendered can be made to payments@parrbusinesslaw.com
Both emails are set to autodeposit. Please reference your Trust Request or Invoice # in the memo so we can associate your payment with your file.
Payment instructions will be included on your invoice sent to you by e-mail.
Conflicts of Interest and Joint Retainers
We may agree to act in certain matters for more than one client. If you have accepted this Agreement and there will be more than one client for your matter, you understand, acknowledge and agree that the following will apply:
(a) Deemed Notice. We are required prior to representing you jointly, if applicable, to raise certain issues with you and obtain your consent regarding the course to follow if a conflict arises. If we agree to act for multiple clients respecting the same matter(s), this Agreement will be deemed notice to you of the terms of our joint representation and the terms applicable thereto.
(b) Joint Representation Only When No Dispute. We can only represent multiple parties respecting the same legal matter if there is no dispute between the parties, such parties’ interests are not in conflict, and typically only where the parties expressly consent. If you request that we represent two or more parties jointly respecting the same matter, you each jointly and severally represent and warrant to us that there is no dispute between such parties and you expressly consent to the joint representation.
(c) Joint Retainer Specific Terms. The following applies to any joint representation unless we deliver additional or alternate joint retainer terms to you in accordance with section (d):
(i) We owe each of you a duty of undivided loyalty. This means that we must act in each of your best interests at all times and must not favour the interests of one of you over the interests of another or allow anything to interfere with our loyalty to each of you or our judgement on your behalf. If we are unable to fulfill this duty of undivided loyalty to each of you, we will have to withdraw.
(ii) No information we receive from one of you or from any other source with respect to this matter can be treated as confidential from any of you. This means that, as long as the joint retainer continues, we must disclose relevant information to each of you. However, should we receive information from any source that makes it clear we are in a conflict by acting for you jointly, or if a contentious issue arises between you, we must cease acting for each of you in the matter unless the conflict or contentious issue, as applicable, is resolved. In the event the conflict or contentious issue, as applicable, is not resolved, however, we would not be permitted to disclose the confidential information to you.
(iii) If we currently act for one of you in a matter separate from a matter you previously retained us for (“Prior Matter”), and we receive confidential information from that separate matter that is relevant to the Prior Matter we will have to withdraw from the Prior Matter unless we receive the consent of the client in the separate matter to disclose that information.
(iv) If a conflict or contentious issue arises that falls short of a legal dispute between you, you have the option to settle the conflict or contentious issue by direct negotiation with one another, or if you both agree that you wish us to assist you in attempting to resolve an issue we may decide to do so, as long as the issue in our view falls short of an actual conflict or contentious issue between you. If a conflict or contentious issue is resolved by direct negotiation between you, or if an issue short of an actual conflict or contentious issue is resolved with or without our assistance, then we may then continue to represent both of you.
(v) If a conflict or contentious issue arises between you that is not resolved, then we will cease to represent all of you and we will refer you to other lawyers.
(vi) If you are proceeding with joint representation, we recommend to you that you seek independent legal advice before proceeding with obtaining the Services from us.
(d) Additional Terms Applicable to Joint Retainers. In certain circumstances we may deliver to you additional terms applicable to your joint representation which may amend or replace certain terms herein.
Limitation of Liability
In any action, claim, loss or damage arising out of this engagement, you agree that our liability, if any, will be several and not joint and several with any other person, and you may only claim against us for our proportionate share of the total liability based on degree of fault. We will not be liable to you, whether a claim be in tort, contract, or otherwise, for any consequential, indirect, lost profit or similar damages relating to our professional services.
Document Retention
Please note that we retain our client files in storage for a period of six (6) years after the last date of correspondence on file. After this period, we will destroy such client files, unless instructed otherwise in writing by our clients.
The Firm hosts client files and business records on servers and software operated by Google, Microsoft, Clio, Appara, myLTSA, OnCorp, BCOnline and other softwares. These platforms use servers located outside of Canada.
Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation ("CASL")
CASL obligates us to give you notice that we may occasionally send you commercial electronic messages (“CEMs”) (as defined in CASL), including legal updates, invitations, inquiries, referrals, etc. By entering into this Agreement, you consent to receiving CEMs from us until you withdraw your consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time.
E-mail Delivery
We will provide you with documents via e-mail. You must be aware that we cannot guarantee the confidentiality of documents transmitted to you via e-mail. If this is a concern, please advise us.
Termination of Legal Services
You have the right to terminate our services upon providing written notice to us.
We reserve the right to terminate our legal services to you for good reasons which include, but are not limited to:
Your failure to cooperate with reasonable requests made by us in order to service your legal needs;
if our continuing to act would be unethical or impractical; and
failure on your part to provide payment of our retainer or outstanding accounts when payable.
If you terminate our services or we withdraw from representing you, you will be responsible for payment of our fees and expenses up to the date of such termination or withdrawal.
Governing Law
The terms of this Agreement will be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of British Columbia, Canada and the applicable laws of Canada therein. You hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of British Columbia, Canada with respect to any matter or dispute arising from or related to this Agreement.
Client Identification and Verification
Please note that prior to receiving or disbursing any funds on your behalf, we are required to verify your identity as required pursuant to the Rules of the Law Society of British Columbia. Please ensure that all contact information you provide to us is complete and accurate.
We look forward to working with you. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments regarding this engagement agreement or any aspect of the legal services we will be performing on your behalf.